We believe in the full and total inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as being Inspired and under the direction of the Holy Spirit as holy men wrote.
We believe that the Scriptures alone are the final authority in the Church.
We believe in the One, True, Indivisible and Almighty God who manifested Himself and His Divine Will throughout time to accomplish His Divine Act to redeem man.
We believe that Jesus established and consummated His Kingdom in the First century and that all believers Scripturally born from above enter into the continuation of His Eternal Kingdom. redeem man
We believe that Jesus, along with the rest of the writers of the New Testament, gave definitive statements as to the nature and timing of His return.
We believe based on these statements, Biblical and Historical witness, and the message of both the Old and New Testament that Jesus Christ fulfilled all that was written of Him. And it is because of His determinant and consummated Messianic Work that we have life and immortality in Him.
We believe that in order to enter into the Kingdom of God, one must have a response of faith and obedience to the reaching of the Word of God. Through this response one repents, which is turning away and forsaking a life of sin. After this you must be buried in water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ to rise and walk in a newness of life. God fills the believer with the Holy Spirit which empowers and maintains you to a life of sanctification, holiness and faithfulness to Him.
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